What Dress Blues to Wear for a Wedding
Dress Blues at Civilian Wedding??
My fiance' and I are getting married in the fall and he selected a cousin of his to be a groomsman. His cousin who is now out of the military wants to wear his dress blues during the ceremony instead of a tux. None of the other members of the wedding party are involved in the military and will be wearing a tux. I fear that one groomsman wearing something different will upstage the wedding. I'm not sure if I am analyzing the situation too much. Can someone tell me the etiquette for wearing dress blues as a member of the wedding party, within a civilian wedding?
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Source: https://www.weddingwire.com/wedding-forums/dress-blues-at-civilian-wedding/eb5cdec13f50fa39.html
Following... as I am in the same situation. My FH brother and best man is now out of the military but plans on wearing dress blues.
VIP November 2018
Spaghetti ·
I would have no problem at all with someone in the military wearing their dress blues. I would actually prefer it I think. It's a great way to honor their commitment and I'm sure they enjoy the chance to wear them.
Super September 2017
I think if he was the groom it would be fine but as a groomsman I think it would put the attention on them. Yes everyone knows who the groom is but still.
I would say no they need to dress the same.
Super May 2018
Different branches have different rules so check that with the GM. Many who service men and women who are out of the military cannot wear Blues anymore unless it's past retirement not just choosing not to reenlist. Is there a reason he wants to wear Blues? I know my FH (Marine) hates wearing his, it's not comfortable at all. It sounds like more of a call for attention, as much as I hate saying that. Especially considering it is a civilian wedding I would ask him just to wear the matching tux.
ETA: maybe he could wear something else to honor his service?
VIP October 2017
I agree with Stephanie H. There are lots of rules about who can wear them. My FH also hates wearing his as they are uncomfortable and ostentatious. I totally get wanting to honor their commitment, but this is actually an event to honor YOUR commitment. Not theirs.
Super November 2018
SaraJ ·
I would tread lightly, since obviously you wouldn't want to seem ungrateful for his service. However, I don't think it's inappropriate for you to ask him to wear what the other GM wear...particularly since he is no longer active duty...and isn't the groom.
Super September 2017
Adding what others have said too. My fiancé hates wearing his uniform; I wanted him to but he hates it so I wasn't going to make him if he didn't want to. They're hot and itchy.
Just Said Yes September 2017
Angela ·
I am unsure as to why he really wants to wear them. I just know my FH said that he won't be getting a tux, because he's wearing his blues. I'm completely grateful for his service, but don't know how to approach the situation...I feel it could come across the wrong way.
Master August 2017
My friend's grandfather wore his dress attire to every event he could. He retired from the Navy in 1973.
10 U.S.C. 772 outlines when military personnel not on active duty can wear uniforms. Thebalance.com has a good article summarizing the rules also.
Edit: it seems like the dress uniform is the equivalent to formalwear.
Expert July 2017
emily ·
One of our groomsmen offered to wear his, he's been medically discharged from the Marines (I don't know the rules about when he can and can't wear them) but when he offered, he also mentioned they're hot & he's not 100% sure he could fit comfortably back into them. I said thank you for offering but July in the south in dress blues may not mix well. He was relieved, as the other groomsmen are wearing slacks and button ups. If your groomsman wants to wear his, and it's appropriate per his particular branch, I say let him.
ETA: FH & I are not military.
Master March 2016
I didn't know there were rules as to whether or not military members could wear their dress uniforms at weddings. You learn something new every day!
But honestly OP, I think you should drop it (provided he IS allowed to wear his dress blues). He earned the right to wear that uniform if he so chooses and is allowed by his branch of service.
Master May 2017
Jamie ·
Not sure what the rules are for those no longer in the service but a uniform should be a source of pride and honor. One of our groomsmen wore his and I LOVE the pics of him in his uniform. He is my DH's nephew and is an officer.
Be aware that there is a conduct code that goes along with the uniform. Our groomsman had to change out of his uniform for the reception as he absolutely can not drink in uniform.
To me, unless it is someone who retired from the military I think it's a little odd...
Super March 2018
Let him. He's sacrificing his life for you and everyone at your wedding. If that's all he wants to do to be in your wedding, let him. Give him that honor.
Emily ·
As a guest at that wedding I would likely comment during cocktail hour on how nice and unique that was.
I will never understand brides being worried about being upstaged. You're the bride. You won't be upstaged. People are there to see you and oooh and aah over you. A GM in dress blues isn't going to make people walk away wondering what the bride looked like.
Master August 2017
I thought more about this after my last comment. I don't think he'd upstage anybody or look odd. It would be a fleeting thought in the vein of...Oh, he is/was in the military. How nice that he wore his uniform! What a lovely ceremony. I love the reading that So-and-So did...
If he wants to wear his dress uniform, let him. He knows whether or not he'll be comfortable in it. And he knows the rules about when he's allowed to wear it.
Super October 2018
Megan ·
If he wants to wear it (and rules allow for him to) then let him. My FH is in the army and two of the guys he is going to ask to stand up with him are also in the Military (one marine, one army). If they want to wear their uniforms I wouldn't say no. I like the uniforms better than tuxes anyways.
Devoted December 2017
My FH will be wearing his dress blues! (Maybe in part because I keep talking so much about how I love them!) I don't think I would have a problem with a GM wearing his blues. You definitely wouldn't be outstaged! It would be a neat thing to add to your wedding party!
Super October 2017
stephanie ·
If it was the groom I would say he absolutely should, especially if an officer.
As a groomsman though I don't think it matters. I would lean toward go for it because I have a lot of military family, but when my cousin got married last year he had his groomsmen all in tuxes (mix of military and civilians), and he wore his dress blues.
As far as the rules and codes of conduct around wearing them (from a military perspective), that's on him to be accountable for so I don't think you need to worry about that.
VIP March 2018
Alana ·
No he shouldn't he would be so out of place. Buy a tux.
You can wear your dress blues anywhere you choose as long as its properly worn. Still would tell him no rent a tux like everyone else. This is not military ceremony.
VIP September 2017
MTMA9917 ·
He served his country, he has earned the right to wear his dress blues wherever he pleases!